Allergen-Free Facility?Updated 8 months ago
Yes! And no.
Our Instant Hot Cereals and our Breakfast Paleo Meals contain a variety of nuts, however, these items are manufactured and stored in a completely separate facility within our building. Anyone working in this facility wears protective over-clothing. This facility has its own, independent ventilation system and no one leaves this facility without going through a decontamination area where hands and shoes are cleaned and overclothes are removed. The decontamination area is equipped with video surveillance to ensure 100% compliance.
Wild Zora is a USDA-inspected manufacturing and packaging facility that employs CGMP (“Current Good Manufacturing Practices") and HACCP (“Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points") to eliminate cross contamination of allergens.
Our products are tested for gluten, nut, and dairy contamination by a third-party audit company at least three times per year and they have never found even a single PPM of contamination (using a measurement standard of at least 5 PPM for milk and gluten, and 2 PPM for nuts and peanuts).
We hope this puts your mind at ease so you can still safely enjoy Wild Zora without worry!